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Thursday 24 October 2013

Making a great Website Google loves

In creating a good website, web companies must be able to apply usability, readability, beauty and search engine optimization (SEO). Web visitors must be able to experience a beautiful, but easy to navigate website. With proper SEO, Google index your site that leads to traffic. The site must be on top of the rankings as well as user-friendly.

Websites content must be clear. It must be created in an entertaining and understandable manner. Ads must be properly placed so as not to block the reader. Contents must be correctly placed to avoid readers from going to a maze to read an article. Google's latest algorithm Above the Fold Updates detects two/three ads slots above the fold and Google Panda algorithm update was developed to find websites that have poor user experience and penalize them.

Use semantically correct HTML. Avoid using deprecated tags and use the latest HTML version.HTML sitemaps must be easy to navigate that leads to increase positive users experience. Google prefers sites-maps develop in HTML and not XML. For WordPress sites, make sure they are up to date.

Rich Snippets and Google+ authorship is the norms today. Google algorithm verifies authorship and authors rank. The basic idea behind this is to give a personal face to the brand that writes articles to promote its products. Articles must be simple, genuine, and truthful.

Relevant Images in contents are important in making your content understandable to the readers. Google index images so make sure to create your title, description and alt tags. Avoid using too much keywords on Meta data. Meta descriptions are important because this snippet is most likely gets displayed on the search results.

There are so many things to consider in creating a great website and in Google standards, quality and users experience are still the top priority.

Our website planning and German SEO services are focused on increasing the chances that a visitor who lands on your website will take a desired action, such as make a purchase, download a document, or fill-out a web form. We are an end-to-end web studio, which means we care about user paths from start to finish.

These types of desired actions are known as "conversions". Every website has a conversion rate. That is the percentage of visitors who take a desired action. We specialize in increasing that percentage through improved web design, content, and usability. We regularly provide testing services to further improve conversion rates.

Our marketing services are tailored to send high quality web visitors to your website. By "high quality", we mean visitors that are likely to be of value to you. That means potential clients, in any industry, who fit your demographic and budgetary requirements. We strive to generate web traffic from visitors who do not already know about your website, meaning that they may be searching for a related keyword on a search engine (as opposed to your brand name) or consulting a review website to learn more about companies in your industry. As a digital studio, we take pride in our marketing team's achievements.

For more updated information Visit our website German Web Design Studio.

Friday 4 October 2013

Advantages of User Friendly Technologies- CMS and Joomla

What is Drupal?

Drupal is what we call a content Management System (CMS). It is an excellent system that is used to handle contents on blogs, forums, videos, photos, data sites, social media sites, member sites, intranets and web programs. Drupal is free, responsive and consist of an open source system. It distributed under the GPL ("GNU General Public License") and is managed and improved by a community of thousands of users and developers. Popular sites like Popular Science, Amnesty International, The Onion, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Nokia use this system.

Drupal is not purely a CMS, but a platform in which different elements can be shared together to implement a CMS that suits your demands. There are different modules such as saving various contents, extract data based on specifications and for showing data in various ways and many others.

Drupal is a second generation CMS. It has the latest tailored operation that can be designed and produced in the user interface without programming. It is simple to manage for small or large volume sites. It is not time-consuming and can be developed by your web designers skilled in your company's activities. This minimizes your reliance on Frankfurt web design companies and provides you the control to create easy modifications and improvement on your own. It will only expect you to do programming works once it combines with other platforms for integration.

Here are some important advantages compared to other open-source, commercial, and custom content management systems (CMS)

  • Less time to promote new functions on your website. 
  • Allows your staff to update and enhance your website without depending on paid Drupal service providers.
  • Provides assistance when there is a problem with your website.
  • It has the capacity to retrieve data in several options.
  • A stable security team that provides regular updates.
  • No license fees.
  • Provides cache for high traffic sites.
  • Role based permission system.
  • It has an up-to-date taxonomy system for better search engine optimization.

Why use Joomla

If a non-technical person is asked regarding the perfect platform to create a blog or website then it is probable that they will suggest WordPress. WordPress have become famous overnight and there are others who will try to persuade you to use WordPress rather than Joomla.

Being famous is not the right motivation to use WordPress. Although it can be a good basis since everybody use it therefore it must be excellent. In terms of blogging, Joomla is a great choice. For those who have use both platform, it is not a surprise that they would prefer Joomla against WordPress.

Here are some important ideas why you should consider Joomla over its competition

Free To use

Joomla is free just like WordPress and Drupal. It is licensed under the GNU/GPL license, which grants the right to experiment and enhance the platform for better use.

Easy To use

Joomla was created to be user-friendly even if you just have basic skills in
web design. You can easily install free templates with a few clicks of the mouse without getting lost in your website.

Furthermore, Joomla has a built-in user interface that is not only pleasant to look, but also provides practical website design for efficient surfing.

Frankfurt Web hosting providers also implements simple installation options for Joomla, making it competitive compared to its famous counterparts. There are also many available hosting options for Joomla that can cater to any websites needs from a simple blog to a complicated E-Commerce store.

Joomla Extensions

Joomla extensions are just the same with WordPress plugins. It consists of important compilation you can add to make your website appealing and function it supposed too. For a start, it is best to limit your use of extensions until you get familiar with it.

Advance Functions

Joomla is perfect for businesses because it can perform advanced functions. For several sites and profiles, site duplication, simple backups and other important day website routine, Joomla is the right choice.

Try Joomla

Joomla may be behind the popularity contest, but it is at par with other platforms available in the market. If you want to stand out and be different, Joomla is the right choice.

Google and Microsoft HTML 5 war

The Google and Microsoft conflict is getting worse every day. Last week Microsoft released a YouTube app for the Windows phone, but Google blocked it. An earlier version of a Google app resulted in the same fate that resulted in a relaunch.

With the Microsoft latest app rejection, they have exposed Google with resentment and dissatisfaction through a blog post.

The company's corporate Vice-President and Deputy General has taken out the number one search engine through a post-The Limits of Google openness.

This week, after we addressed each of Google's points, we relaunched the app, only to have Google technically block it. We know that this has been frustrating, to say the least, for our customers. We have always had one goal: to provide our users a YouTube experience on Windows Phone that's on par with the YouTube experience available to Android and iPhone users. Google's objections to our app are not only inconsistent with Google's own commitment of openness, but also involve requirements for a Windows Phone app that it doesn't impose on its own platform or Apple's (both of which use Google as the default search engine, of course).

Despite Microsoft's blog post, Google released an explanation and defends the blocking by stating that Microsoft did not make the necessary adjustments.

"We've been working with Microsoft to build a fully featured YouTube for Windows Phone app, based on HTML5". Unfortunately, Microsoft has not made the browser upgrades necessary to enable a fully featured YouTube experience, and has instead re-released a YouTube app that violates our Terms of Service. It has been disabled."

The Verge has done a comprehensive report on how the Google and Microsoft conflict began over YouTube and it is caused by the use of HTML 5.

The article cites that Google needs Microsoft to create its YouTube app in HTML 5 program which is inferior to the Android and iOS advance codes.

Previously Microsoft has publicized Google with an AD campaign for customer privacy breach.

Microsoft is doing everything it can to promote its Windows phone as an equivalent to the Android and iOS platform, but it can only succeed through quality apps and a YouTube App will certainly help them reach a wider market.

Key Component to Build a User Friendly Website

What is HTML5?

HTML5 is the descendant of HTML 4.01 that was released in 1999 which has a limited functionality. The internet has grown ever since and this brought about HTML5, the future of web surfing. It is the latest development in the hypertext markup language (HTML) code from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The previous drafts was released in 2008. In 2011 HTML5 was published and programmers started using the code, but the browsers was not able to adapt, but now all leading browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and IE offer HTML5 program. Now we can fully maximize the full potential of HTML5.

The latest version of HTML comes with new functions, attributes and codes and a wide range of advanced commands to enable a more varied and effective websites and applications. HTML5 supports CSS3 and is still improving. W3C intends to release a reliable update next year, but it is still on the planning stage.

HTML5 is created to be applicable to all Open Web developers. Different resources for HTML5 has been developed and is combine to group according to their purpose.

HTML5 is created according to existing standards:
Latest functions should be established on HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript.
·  The use of external plug-ins (like Flash) should be limit.
·  Error handling should be efficient that the older versions.
·  HTML5 should be gadget-independent.
·  The improvements should be available for the public.
HTML5 is developed to make programming simple and logical. The exceptional and remarkable features of HTML5 comes with its multimedia functions. Most features will allow developers to handle large data on low power gadgets. With its latest functions, contents on the internet will be access efficiently and quickly without the dependency on plug-ins or API.

How to create a user friendly website

It is so disappointing to visit a website that is hard to use. Everything should be spontaneous and not too complex. Web user’s gets discourage leaving the website with no chance of coming back. That is why making a website that is user-friendly is a must.

Here are some tips to develop your website’s versatility and make your customers visit your site to create sales for your company.

Establish a navigation that is straightforward and clear to follow

When developing your sitemap it should be direct and easy to use as possible. Name every page properly and see to it that the sub-navigation is relevant to the main navigation menu. For bigger site map, organize the utility navigation, a small navigation bar in the top right is common in popular websites.

Place your logo at a convenient spot

Make sure to place your logo in a convenient spot that is visible most of the time. Navigation should be located on top of the fold whatever the gadget they are using.

Include a Search Function

A search will help your clients find the products they are trying to find. Place the search bar in a visible place for easy access.

Make sure visitors are familiar where they are

Make sure to add distinct features to state the position of your visitors. You can include cookie crumbs and link headings on the upper part. You can also add Call to Action links to drive visitors to your products such as "Click Here to Order", "Download Now", or "Contact Us".

Create Articles that are simple, concise and free of jargons

Refrain from using terminology unless necessary. Terminology can help establish your sites expertise to a certain topic, but may prevent newbies from understanding your point of view if there is too much jargon's. Your ideas must be able to provide the expert as well as the newbies a clear understanding of the topic.

What is jQuery?

JQuery is quick, lightweight and component-rich JavaScript library and is referred to as "write less, do more" type of code. It is not a language, but a shortcut code created in JavaScript. It is Open Source and CSS3 compatible. It allows language programs like HTML develop control, administration and animation.

It also makes Ajax uncomplicated with simple to use API that works over different browsers. With a mix of adaptability and flexibility, jQuery has transformed the way web enthusiast create JavaScript. It can also create dynamic web pages and Flash-like animations.

JQuery takes away the complicated stuff that expects numerous lines of JavaScript code to achieve and creates them into codes that you can use with a single line element. JQuery also shortens many complex commands in JavaScript, like AJAX calls and DOM manipulation.

JQuery was first introduced in January 2006 at Bar Camp NYC by John Resig. Ajax support was released the following month and jQuery achieved the open source MIT license in May of that year. XML version of the API and Visual jQuery Magazine was later released in September 2006.

·  JQuery is concise and efficient that improves productivity of the programmer by empowering them to attain UI functionality by creating small amount of code.
·  It enhances the execution of the application
·  It enables to create the most browser compatible web page
·  It creates an UI related important functions without making hundreds of lines of codes
·  jQuery can be expanded to develop customized functions
·  No need to understand new syntax when using jQuery, JavaScript syntax is all it takes
·  Easy and clear codes to develop complicated functions
·  It is Open Source with MIT license which creates projects with no legal and licensing problems
·  It has up-to-date bug fixes, patches and support. There is an increase of loyal supporters to help enhance jQuery.
·  It is compatible with AJAX

What is backboneJS

Backbone.js is a JavaScript client-side (front-end) framework that improves the coordination of your code and makes it simpler for you to create single-page web applications. It makes you create JavaScript applications simpler.

Backbone.js provides a structure to web applications with important unique events, collections with valuable API of countless functions, views with analytical event handling, and joins your current API

The application is hosted on GITHUB and the explanatory codes is accessible, as well as internet test suite, sample applications, an archives of tutorials and a large list of real world application that utilize Backbone. It is licensed under MIT software.

When creating web application that uses JavaScript, one of the many things you understand is to avoid linking your data to the DOM. It is also simple to create JavaScript applications that is messed up on the jQuery selectors and callbacks. For clients with high demand in applications a more structured way is necessary.

With backbone you express your data as Models, which can be generate, confirmed and saved on the server. When a UI action becomes an attribute of a model to change, the model activates a "change" event; the entire views that show the model state can be notified of the change, so that they can adjust appropriately, recreating themselves with new ideas.
In a functional backbone app, you don’t create the main code that is similar to the DOM to look for element with a certain id and update the HTML manually – when the model changes at the views easily update themselves.

For more updated information Visit our website German Web Design Studio.